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Subscription Billing

Subscriptions allow you to set up recurring billing for your customers. Creating a Subscription will bill a customer according to a given Plan. Addons let you bill for additonal line items that get added onto the base plan price. An addon can be another plan that must have the same billing interval as the subscription's primary plan.

Subscriptions can have a fixed or infinite duration. Setting the cycles property will end the subscription after a fixed number of billing cycles. Otherwise, the subscription must be canceled in order to be stopped.

By default subscriptions will renew each billing cycle on the same day of the cycle on which it was started. For example, a subscription that started on the 9th of the month will always renew on the 9th of the month. This is known as Anniversary Billing. We also support renewing subscriptions on a specific day of the month, i.e. the first. If the subscription does not begin on the day you've specified then the first bill will be prorated. This is called Calendar Billing.

Subscriptions can optionally include a contract period, the length of which is measured in a number of billing cycles. At the end of the contract term, these subscriptions can be set to renew or end automatically, or to renew pending manual approval.

Subscription Object


    "addons": [
            "created_at": 1420391704,
            "description": "",
            "id": 3,
            "object": "subscription_addon",
            "plan": "ipad-license",
            "quantity": 11,
            "updated_at": 1420391704
    "bill_in": "advance",
    "bill_in_advance_days": 0,
    "cancel_at_period_end": false,
    "canceled_at": null,
    "contract_period_end": 1449249304,
    "contract_period_start": 1446657304,
    "contract_renewal_cycles": null,
    "contract_renewal_mode": "auto",
    "created_at": 1420391704,
    "customer": 15444,
    "cycles": null,
    "discounts": [],
    "id": 595,
    "metadata": [],
    "mrr": 100,
    "object": "subscription",
    "paused": false,
    "period_end": 1449249304,
    "period_start": 1446657304,
    "plan": "starter",
    "quantity": 1,
    "recurring_total": 1200,
    "ship_to": null,
    "start_date": 1420391704,
    "status": "active",
    "taxes": [],
    "updated_at": 1420391704,
    "url": ""
Parameter Type Description
id integer The subscription's unique ID
object string Object type, subscription
customer integer Associated Customer
amount string Subscription price when the plans's pricing mode is custom
plan string Plan ID
start_date timestamp Timestamp subscription starts (or started)
bill_in string advance or arrears. Defaults to advance
bill_in_advance_days integer Issues invoices N days before billing period when bill_in=advance
quantity integer Plan quantity. Defaults to 1
addons array Collection of Subscription Addons
discounts array Collection of Coupon Objects
cycles integer Number of billing cycles the subscription runs for, when null runs until canceled (default).
period_start timestamp Start of the current billing period
period_end timestamp End of the current billing period
cancel_at_period_end boolean When true the subscription will be canceled at the end of the current billing period
canceled_at timestamp Timestamp the subscription was canceled
status string Subscription status, one of not_started, active, past_due, finished, canceled
paused boolean When true, subscription is paused
contract_period_start timestamp Start of current contract period
contract_period_end timestamp End of current contract period
contract_renewal_cycles integer Number of billing cycles in next contract period
contract_renewal_mode string auto, manual, renew_once, or none. Defaults to none
taxes array Collection of Tax Rate Objects
ship_to object Shipping Detail object
recurring_total number Total recurring amount (includes taxes)
mrr number Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)
url string URL to manage the subscription in the billing portal
created_at timestamp Timestamp when created
updated_at timestamp Timestamp when updated
metadata object A hash of key/value pairs that can store additional information about this object.

Subscription Addon Object


    "created_at": 1420391704,
    "description": "",
    "id": 3,
    "object": "subscription_addon",
    "plan": "ipad-license",
    "quantity": 11,
    "updated_at": 1420391704
Parameter Type Description
id integer The subscription's unique ID
object string Object type, subscription_addon
amount string Addon price when a plan is set and has pricing mode set to custom
plan string PlanĀ ID
quantity integer Quantity
description string Optional description for line items generated from this addon
created_at timestamp Timestamp when created
updated_at timestamp Timestamp when updated

Create a subscription

curl "" \
  -u {API_KEY}: \
  -d customer=15444 \
  -d plan="starter" \
  -d addons[0][plan]="ipad-license" \
  -d addons[0][quantity]=11
    :customer => 15444,
    :plan => "starter",
    :addons => [
            :plan => "ipad-license",
            :quantity => 11

    'customer' => 15444,
    'plan' => "starter",
    'addons' => [
            'plan' => "ipad-license",
            'quantity' => 11
            'plan': "ipad-license",
            'quantity': 11
Subscription subscription = invoiced.newSubscription();
subscription.customer = 15444;
subscription.plan = "starter";
subscription.addons = new SubscriptionAddon[1];
subscription.addons[0] = new SubscriptionAddon();
subscription.addons[0].plan = "ipad-license";
subscription.addons[0].quantity = 11;
var subscription = invoiced.NewSubscription();
subscription.Customer = 15444;
subscription.Plan = "starter";
subscription.Addons = new SubscriptionAddon[1];
subscription.Addons[0] = new SubscriptionAddon();
subscription.Addons[0].Plan = "ipad-license";
subscription.Addons[0].Quantity = 11;
subscription, err := client.Subscription.Create(&invoiced.SubscriptionRequest{
  Customer: invoiced.Int64(15444),
  Plan: invoiced.String("starter"),
  Addons: []*invoiced.SubscriptionAddon{
      Plan: invoiced.String("ipad-license"),
      Quantity: invoiced.Float64(11),

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "addons": [
            "created_at": 1420391704,
            "description": "",
            "id": 3,
            "object": "subscription_addon",
            "plan": "ipad-license",
            "quantity": 11,
            "updated_at": 1420391704
    "bill_in": "advance",
    "bill_in_advance_days": 0,
    "cancel_at_period_end": false,
    "canceled_at": null,
    "contract_period_end": 1449249304,
    "contract_period_start": 1446657304,
    "contract_renewal_cycles": null,
    "contract_renewal_mode": "auto",
    "created_at": 1420391704,
    "customer": 15444,
    "cycles": null,
    "discounts": [],
    "id": 595,
    "metadata": [],
    "mrr": 100,
    "object": "subscription",
    "paused": false,
    "period_end": 1420391704,
    "period_start": null,
    "plan": "starter",
    "quantity": 1,
    "recurring_total": 1200,
    "ship_to": null,
    "start_date": 1420391704,
    "status": "active",
    "taxes": [],
    "updated_at": 1420391704,
    "url": ""

Create a new subscription with this endpoint.

HTTP Request

POST /subscriptions


Parameter Type Description
customer integer Customer ID, required
plan string Plan ID, required
start_date integer Timestamp subscription begins, defaults to now
bill_in string advance or arrears. Defaults to advance
bill_in_advance_days integer Issues invoices N days before billing period when bill_in=advance
quantity integer Plan quantity. Defaults to 1
addons array Collection of optional Subscription Addons
discounts array Collection of Coupon IDs
cycles integer Number of billing cycles the subscription runs for, when null runs until canceled (default).
snap_to_nth_day integer Snap billing cycles to a specific day of the month (also known as calendar billing), off by default
paused boolean When true, subscription is paused
contract_renewal_cycles integer Number of billing cycles in next contract period
contract_renewal_mode string auto, manual, renew_once, or none
taxes array Collection of Tax Rate IDs
ship_to object Shipping Detail object
cancel_at_period_end boolean When true the subscription will be canceled at the end of the current billing period
metadata object A hash of key/value pairs that can store additional information about this object.

Preview a subscription

curl "" \
  -u {API_KEY}: \
  -d customer=481594 \
  -d plan="starter" \
    :customer => 481594,
    :plan => "starter"

    'customer' => 481594,
    'plan' => "starter"
Subscription subscription = invoiced.newSubscription();
subscription.customer = 481594;
subscription.plan = "starter";
var subscription = invoiced.NewSubscription();
subscription.Customer = 481594;
subscription.Plan = "starter";
preview, err := client.Subscription.Preview(&invoiced.SubscriptionPreviewRequest{
  Customer: invoiced.Int64(481594),
  Plan: invoiced.String("starter"),

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "first_invoice": {
        "attempt_count": null,
        "autopay": null,
        "balance": 0,
        "closed": false,
        "created_at": null,
        "csv_url": null,
        "currency": "usd",
        "customer": -1,
        "date": 1571410119,
        "discounts": [],
        "draft": true,
        "due_date": null,
        "id": null,
        "items": [
                "amount": 49,
                "catalog_item": null,
                "created_at": null,
                "description": "",
                "discountable": true,
                "discounts": [],
                "id": null,
                "metadata": [],
                "name": "Starter",
                "object": "line_item",
                "plan": "starter",
                "quantity": 1,
                "taxable": true,
                "taxes": [],
                "type": "plan",
                "unit_cost": 49,
                "updated_at": null
        "metadata": [],
        "name": "Starter",
        "next_payment_attempt": null,
        "notes": null,
        "number": null,
        "object": "invoice",
        "paid": false,
        "payment_plan": null,
        "payment_source": null,
        "payment_terms": null,
        "payment_url": null,
        "pdf_url": null,
        "ship_to": null,
        "shipping": [],
        "status": "draft",
        "subscription": null,
        "subtotal": 49,
        "taxes": [],
        "total": 49,
        "updated_at": null,
        "url": null
    "mrr": 49,
    "recurring_total": 49

The subscription preview endpoint lets you get an estimate of the first invoice, recurring total, and MRR of a subscription without creating a customer, subscription, or any other data.

The plan and any referenced items must exist.

HTTP Request

POST /subscriptions/preview


Parameter Type Description
plan string Plan ID, required
customer integer Optional customer ID
quantity integer Plan quantity. Defaults to 1
addons array Collection of optional Subscription Addons
discounts array Collection of Coupon IDs
taxes array Collection of Tax Rate IDs
pending_line_items array Collection of pending line items

Retrieve a subscription

curl "" \
  -u {API_KEY}:
subscription = invoiced.Subscription.retrieve("{SUBSCRIPTION_ID}")

$subscription = $invoiced->Subscription->retrieve("{SUBSCRIPTION_ID}");
subscription = client.Subscription.retrieve("{SUBSCRIPTION_ID}")
Subscription subscription = invoiced.newSubscription().retrieve({SUBSCRIPTION_ID});
var subscription = invoiced.NewSubscription().Retrieve({SUBSCRIPTION_ID});
subscription, err := client.Subscription.Retrieve({SUBSCRIPTION_ID})

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "addons": [
            "created_at": 1420391704,
            "description": "",
            "id": 3,
            "object": "subscription_addon",
            "plan": "ipad-license",
            "quantity": 11,
            "updated_at": 1420391704
    "bill_in": "advance",
    "bill_in_advance_days": 0,
    "cancel_at_period_end": false,
    "canceled_at": null,
    "contract_period_end": 1449249304,
    "contract_period_start": 1446657304,
    "contract_renewal_cycles": null,
    "contract_renewal_mode": "auto",
    "created_at": 1420391704,
    "customer": 15444,
    "cycles": null,
    "discounts": [],
    "id": 595,
    "metadata": [],
    "mrr": 100,
    "object": "subscription",
    "paused": false,
    "period_end": 1449249304,
    "period_start": 1446657304,
    "plan": "starter",
    "quantity": 1,
    "recurring_total": 1200,
    "ship_to": null,
    "start_date": 1420391704,
    "status": "active",
    "taxes": [],
    "updated_at": 1420391704,
    "url": ""

This endpoint retrieves a specific subscription.

HTTP Request

GET /subscriptions/:id

Update a subscription

curl "" \
  -u {API_KEY}: \
  -d plan="pro" \
subscription.plan = "pro"

$subscription->plan = "pro";
subscription.plan = "pro"
subscription.plan = "pro";;
subscription.Plan = "pro";
subscription, err := client.Subscription.Update(&invoiced.SubscriptionRequest{
  Plan: invoiced.String("pro"),

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "addons": [
            "created_at": 1420391704,
            "description": "",
            "id": 3,
            "object": "subscription_addon",
            "plan": "ipad-license",
            "quantity": 11,
            "updated_at": 1420391704
    "bill_in": "advance",
    "bill_in_advance_days": 0,
    "cancel_at_period_end": false,
    "canceled_at": null,
    "contract_period_end": 1449249304,
    "contract_period_start": 1446657304,
    "contract_renewal_cycles": null,
    "contract_renewal_mode": "auto",
    "created_at": 1420391704,
    "customer": 15444,
    "cycles": null,
    "discounts": [],
    "id": 595,
    "metadata": [],
    "mrr": 200,
    "object": "subscription",
    "paused": false,
    "period_end": 1449249304,
    "period_start": 1446657304,
    "plan": "pro",
    "quantity": 1,
    "recurring_total": 2400,
    "ship_to": null,
    "start_date": 1420391704,
    "status": "active",
    "taxes": [],
    "updated_at": 1420391704,
    "url": ""

Use this endpoint to update a subscription.

HTTP Request

PATCH /subscriptions/:id

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
plan string Plan ID, required
start_date integer Timestamp subscription begins, defaults to now
quantity integer Plan quantity. Defaults to 1
addons array Collection of optional Subscription Addons
discounts array Collection of Coupon IDs
paused boolean When true, subscription is paused
taxes array Collection of Tax Rate IDs
ship_to object Shipping Detail object
contract_renewal_cycles integer Number of billing cycles in next contract period
contract_renewal_mode string auto, manual, renew_once, or none
cancel_at_period_end boolean When true the subscription will be canceled at the end of the current billing period
prorate boolean Prorate changes to plan, quantities, or addons, defaults to true
proration_date integer Timestamp when the proration happened, defaults to now
metadata object A hash of key/value pairs that can store additional information about this object.

Cancel a subscription

curl "" \
  -u {API_KEY}: \

err := client.Subscription.Cancel({SUBSCRIPTION_ID})

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "addons": [
            "created_at": 1420391704,
            "description": "",
            "id": 3,
            "object": "subscription_addon",
            "plan": "ipad-license",
            "quantity": 11,
            "updated_at": 1420391704
    "bill_in": "advance",
    "bill_in_advance_days": 0,
    "cancel_at_period_end": false,
    "canceled_at": 1449162904,
    "contract_period_end": 1449249304,
    "contract_period_start": 1446657304,
    "contract_renewal_cycles": null,
    "contract_renewal_mode": "auto",
    "created_at": 1420391704,
    "customer": 15444,
    "cycles": null,
    "discounts": [],
    "id": 595,
    "metadata": [],
    "mrr": 200,
    "object": "subscription",
    "paused": false,
    "period_end": null,
    "period_start": null,
    "plan": "pro",
    "quantity": 1,
    "recurring_total": 2400,
    "ship_to": null,
    "start_date": 1420391704,
    "status": "canceled",
    "taxes": [],
    "updated_at": 1420391704,
    "url": ""

This endpoint cancels a subscription.

HTTP Request

DELETE /subscriptions/:id

List all subscriptions

curl "" \
  -u {API_KEY}:
subscriptions, metadata = invoiced.Subscription.list(:per_page => 3)

list($subscriptions, $metadata) = $invoiced->Subscription->all(['per_page' => 3]);
subscriptions, metadata = client.Subscription.list(per_page=3)
EntityList<Subscription> subscriptions = invoiced.newSubscription().listAll();
var subscriptions = invoiced.NewSubscription().ListAll();
subscriptions, err := client.Subscription.ListAll(nil, nil)

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

     "addons": [
             "created_at": 1420391704,
             "description": "",
             "id": 3,
             "object": "subscription_addon",
             "plan": "ipad-license",
             "quantity": 11,
             "updated_at": 1420391704
     "bill_in": "advance",
     "bill_in_advance_days": 0,
     "cancel_at_period_end": false,
     "canceled_at": null,
     "contract_period_end": 1449249304,
     "contract_period_start": 1446657304,
     "contract_renewal_cycles": null,
     "contract_renewal_mode": "auto",
     "created_at": 1420391704,
     "customer": 15444,
     "cycles": null,
     "discounts": [],
     "id": 595,
     "metadata": [],
     "mrr": 200,
     "object": "subscription",
     "paused": false,
     "period_end": 1449249304,
     "period_start": 1446657304,
     "plan": "pro",
     "quantity": 1,
     "recurring_total": 2400,
     "ship_to": null,
     "start_date": 1420391704,
     "status": "active",
     "taxes": [],
     "updated_at": 1420391704,
     "url": ""

This endpoint retrieves all subscriptions. Unless specified, this endpoint will only return subscriptions that have an upcoming renewal.

HTTP Request

GET /subscriptions

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
sort string Column to sort by, i.e. period_end asc
filter object Filter object
metadata object Metadata filter object
canceled boolean When true returns only canceled subscriptions
finished boolean When true returns only finished subscriptions
updated_after timestamp Only gets records updated after the given timestamp