NAV Navbar
cURL .NET Java Go PHP Python Ruby


Charges represent a payment processed given a customer's payment source, such as a credit card or bank account.

Charge Object


    "amount": 2000,
    "amount_refunded": 0,
    "created_at": 1607152637,
    "currency": "usd",
    "customer": 401558,
    "disputed": false,
    "failure_message": null,
    "gateway": "test",
    "gateway_id": "5d9e31d812151",
    "id": 46374,
    "payment_source": {
        "brand": "Visa",
        "chargeable": true,
        "created_at": 1601919571,
        "exp_month": 8,
        "exp_year": 2025,
        "failure_reason": null,
        "funding": "credit",
        "gateway": null,
        "gateway_customer": null,
        "gateway_id": null,
        "id": 448165,
        "last4": "8550",
        "merchant_account": 2353,
        "object": "card",
        "receipt_email": null,
        "updated_at": 1601919571
    "receipt_email": null,
    "refunded": false,
    "refunds": [],
    "status": "succeeded",
    "updated_at": 1607152637
Parameter Type Description
id integer The charge's unique ID
object string Object type, charge
customer integer Associated Customer
currency string 3-letter ISO code
amount number Charge amount
test string Payment test on which payment was processed
gateway_id string Transaction ID on payment test
status string Transaction status on payment test
receipt_email string Email address where receipt was sent
failure_message string Failure reason if charge fails
payment_source object Payment Source that was used
amount_refunded number Total amount refunded
refunded boolean True if fully refunded
refunds array List of Refunds
disputed boolean True if charge has been disputed
created_at timestamp Timestamp when created
updated_at timestamp Timestamp when updated

Create a charge

# (Tokenized Payment Info)

curl '' \
  -u API_KEY: \
  --data '{"customer":401558,"currency":"usd","amount":2000,"applied_to":[{"type":"invoice","invoice":2112620,"amount":1710},{"type":"invoice","invoice":2112622,"amount":290}],"method":"credit_card","invoiced_token":"acdf7f31da641970cdb9c6c46a373577"}'

# (Saved Payment Source)

curl '' \
  -u API_KEY: \
  --data '{"customer":401558,"currency":"usd","amount":2000,"applied_to":[{"type":"invoice","invoice":2112620,"amount":1710},{"type":"invoice","invoice":2112622,"amount":290}],"method":"credit_card","payment_source_type":"card","payment_source_id":1234}'
  :customer => 401558,
  :currency => "usd",
  :amount => 2000,
  :applied_to => [
      :type => "invoice",
      :invoice => 2112620,
      :amount => 1710
      :type => "invoice",
      :invoice => 2112622,
      :amount => 290
  :method => "credit_card",

# (Tokenized Payment Info)
  :invoiced_token => "acdf7f31da641970cdb9c6c46a373577",

# (Saved Payment Source)
  :payment_source_type => "card",
  :payment_source_id => 1234

$charge = $invoiced->Charge->create([
  'customer' => 401558,
  'currency' => "usd",
  'amount' => 2000,
  'applied_to' => [
      'type' => 'invoice',
      'invoice' => 2112620,
      'amount' => 1710
      'type' => 'invoice',
      'invoice' => 2112622,
      'amount' => 290
  'method' => "credit_card",

// (Tokenized Payment Info)
  'invoiced_token' => "acdf7f31da641970cdb9c6c46a373577",

// (Saved Payment Source)
  'payment_source_type' => "card",
  'payment_source_id' => 1234
  customer = 401558,
  currency = "usd",
  amount = 2000,
  applied_to = [
      'type': 'invoice',
      'invoice': 2112620,
      'amount': 1710
      'type': 'invoice',
      'invoice': 2112622,
      'amount': 290
  method = "credit_card",

# (Tokenized Payment Info)
  invoiced_token = "acdf7f31da641970cdb9c6c46a373577",

# (Saved Payment Source)
  payment_source_type = "card",
  payment_source_id = 1234
ChargeRequest chargeRequest = new ChargeRequest();
chargeRequest.customer = 401558L;
chargeRequest.currency = "usd";
chargeRequest.amount = 2000D;
paymentItem1 = new PaymentItem();
paymentItem1.type = "invoice";
paymentItem1.invoice = 2112620L;
paymentItem1.amount = 1710D;
paymentItem2 = new PaymentItem();
paymentItem2.type = "invoice";
paymentItem2.invoice = 2112622L;
paymentItem2.amount = 290D;
chargeRequest.appliedTo = PaymentItem{paymentItem1, paymentItem2};
chargeRequest.method = "credit_card";

// (Tokenized Payment Info)
chargeRequest.invoicedToken = "acdf7f31da641970cdb9c6c46a373577";

// (Saved Payment Source)
chargeRequest.paymentSourceType = "card";
chargeRequest.paymentSourceId = 1234;

Charge charge = invoiced.newCharge().create(chargeRequest);
var chargeRequest = new ChargeRequest();
chargeRequest.Customer = 401558;
chargeRequest.Currency = "usd";
chargeRequest.Amount = 2000;
chargeRequest.AppliedTo = new[]
    new PaymentItem {Type = "invoice", Amount = 1710, Invoice = 2112620},
    new PaymentItem {Type = "invoice", Amount = 290, Invoice = 2112622}
chargeRequest.Method = "credit_card";

// (Tokenized Payment Info)
chargeRequest.InvoicedToken = "acdf7f31da641970cdb9c6c46a373577";

// (Saved Payment Source)
chargeRequest.PaymentSourceType = "card";
chargeRequest.PaymentSourceId = 1234;

var charge = invoiced.NewCharge().Create(chargeRequest);
chargeRequest := new(invdendpoint.ChargeRequest)

charge, err := client.Charge.Create(&invoiced.ChargeRequest{
  Customer: invoiced.Int64(401558),
  Currency: invoiced.String("usd"),
  Amount: invoiced.Float64(2000),
  AppliedTo: []*invoiced.PaymentItemRequest{
      Type: invoiced.String("invoice"),
      Amount: invoiced.Float64(1710),
      Invoice: invoiced.Int64(2112620),
      Type: invoiced.String("invoice"),
      Amount: invoiced.Float64(290),
      Invoice: invoiced.Int64(2112622),
  Method: invoiced.String("credit_card"),

  // (Tokenized Payment Info)
  InvoicedToken: invoiced.String("acdf7f31da641970cdb9c6c46a373577"),

  // (Saved Payment Source)
  PaymentSourceType: invoiced.String("card"),
  PaymentSourceId: invoiced.Int64(1234),

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "ach_sender_id": null,
    "amount": 2000,
    "balance": 0,
    "charge": {
        "amount": 2000,
        "amount_refunded": 0,
        "created_at": 1607152637,
        "currency": "usd",
        "customer": 401558,
        "disputed": false,
        "failure_message": null,
        "gateway": "test",
        "gateway_id": "5d9e31d812151",
        "id": 46374,
        "payment_source": {
            "brand": "Visa",
            "chargeable": true,
            "created_at": 1601919571,
            "exp_month": 8,
            "exp_year": 2025,
            "failure_reason": null,
            "funding": "credit",
            "gateway": null,
            "gateway_customer": null,
            "gateway_id": null,
            "id": 448165,
            "last4": "8550",
            "merchant_account": 2353,
            "object": "card",
            "receipt_email": null,
            "updated_at": 1601919571
        "receipt_email": null,
        "refunded": false,
        "refunds": [],
        "status": "succeeded",
        "updated_at": 1607152637
    "created_at": 1607152637,
    "currency": "usd",
    "customer": 401558,
    "date": 1607152637,
    "id": 32554,
    "matched": null,
    "method": "credit_card",
    "notes": null,
    "object": "payment",
    "pdf_url": "",
    "reference": "5d9e31d812151",
    "source": "api",
    "updated_at": 1607152637,
    "voided": false

This endpoint allows you to process a payment.

HTTP Request

POST /charges


Requests must supply exactly one of a) payment_source_type with payment_source_id, b) invoiced_token, or c) gateway_token.

Parameter Type Description
customer integer Customer ID, required
method string Required, one of credit_card or ach
currency string Optional, defaults to company currency
amount number Charge amount, required
invoiced_token string Optional, generated by invoiced.js
gateway_token string Optional, generated by payment test
payment_source_type string One of card, bank_account
payment_source_id number Optional, card or bank account ID
vault_method boolean Optional; when true, vaults the payment source on the customer's account
make_default boolean Optional; when this and vault_method are true, saves payment as default on customer's account
receipt_email string Optional; where the payment receipt is sent
applied_to array Required, List of Payment Applications