NAV Navbar
cURL .NET Java Go PHP Python Ruby


A coupon describes a discount that can be applied to invoices, line items, and subscriptions.

Coupon Object


    "created_at": 1477415090,
    "currency": null,
    "exclusive": false,
    "expiration_date": null,
    "id": "S8L47J",
    "is_percent": true,
    "max_redemptions": 0,
    "metadata": [],
    "name": "Non-profit Discount",
    "object": "coupon",
    "updated_at": 1477415090,
    "value": 20
Parameter Type Description
id string The coupon's unique ID
object string Object type, coupon
name string Coupon name
currency string 3-letter ISO code
value number Amount
is_percent boolean When true the value is a %
exclusive boolean When true no other coupons can be used simultaneously
expiration_date timestamp Date coupon expires
max_redemptions integer Max number of times coupon can be used
created_at timestamp Timestamp when created
updated_at timestamp Timestamp when updated
metadata object A hash of key/value pairs that can store additional information about this object.

Create a coupon

curl "" \
  -u {API_KEY}: \
  -d id="S8L47J" \
  -d name="Non-profit Discount" \
  -d value=20 \
  :id => "S8L47J",
  :name => "Non-profit Discount",
  :value => 20

  'id' => "S8L47J",
  'name' => "Non-profit Discount",
  'value' => 20
  name="Non-profit Discount",
Coupon coupon = invoiced.newCoupon(); = "S8L47J"; = "Non-profit Discount";
coupon.value = 20;
var coupon = invoiced.NewCoupon();
coupon.Id = "S8L47J";
coupon.Name = "Non-profit Discount";
coupon.Value = 20;
coupon, err := client.Coupon.Create(&invoiced.CouponRequest{
  Id: invoiced.String("S8L47J"),
  Name: invoiced.String("Non-profit Discount"),
  Value: invoiced.Float64(20)

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "created_at": 1477415090,
    "currency": null,
    "exclusive": false,
    "expiration_date": null,
    "id": "S8L47J",
    "is_percent": true,
    "max_redemptions": 0,
    "metadata": [],
    "name": "Non-profit Discount",
    "object": "coupon",
    "updated_at": 1477415090,
    "value": 20

Create a new coupon with this endpoint.

HTTP Request

POST /coupons


Parameter Type Description
id string The coupon's unique ID. Auto-generated by default.
name string Coupon name
currency string 3-letter ISO code
value number Amount
is_percent boolean When true the value is a %
exclusive boolean When true no other coupons can be used simultaneously
expiration_date timestamp Date coupon expires
max_redemptions integer Max number of times coupon can be used
metadata object A hash of key/value pairs that can store additional information about this object.

Retrieve a coupon

curl "" \
  -u {API_KEY}:
coupon = invoiced.Coupon.retrieve("{COUPON_ID}")

$coupon = $invoiced->Coupon->retrieve("{COUPON_ID}");
coupon = client.Coupon.retrieve("{COUPON_ID}")
Coupon coupon = invoiced.newCoupon().retrieve({COUPON_ID});
var coupon = invoiced.NewCoupon().Retrieve({COUPON_ID});
coupon, err := client.Coupon.Retrieve({COUPON_ID})

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "created_at": 1477415090,
    "currency": null,
    "exclusive": false,
    "expiration_date": null,
    "id": "S8L47J",
    "is_percent": true,
    "max_redemptions": 0,
    "metadata": [],
    "name": "Non-profit Discount",
    "object": "coupon",
    "updated_at": 1477415090,
    "value": 20

This endpoint retrieves a specific coupon.

HTTP Request

GET /coupons/:id

Update a coupon

curl "" \
  -u {API_KEY}: \
  -X PATCH \
  -d name="Nonprofits" = "Nonprofits"

$coupon->name = "Nonprofits";
$coupon->save(); = "Nonprofits" = "Nonprofits";;
coupon.Name = "Nonprofits";
err := client.Coupon.Update({COUPON_ID}, &invoiced.CouponRequest{
  Name: invoiced.String("Nonprofits")

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "created_at": 1477415090,
    "currency": null,
    "exclusive": false,
    "expiration_date": null,
    "id": "S8L47J",
    "is_percent": true,
    "max_redemptions": 0,
    "metadata": [],
    "name": "Nonprofits",
    "object": "coupon",
    "updated_at": 1477415090,
    "value": 20

Use this endpoint to update a coupon.

The properties that can be updated via this endpoint are limited. For other updates, it is necessary to delete and recreate the coupon.

HTTP Request

PATCH /coupons/:id


Parameter Type Description
name string Coupon name
metadata object A hash of key/value pairs that can store additional information about this object.

Delete a coupon

curl "" \
  -u {API_KEY}: \

err := client.Coupon.Delete({COUPON_ID})

The above command returns 204 No Content

This endpoint deletes a specific coupon.

HTTP Request

DELETE /coupons/:id

List all coupons

curl "" \
  -u {API_KEY}:
coupons, metadata = invoiced.Coupon.list(:per_page => 3)

list($coupon, $metadata) = $invoiced->Coupon->all(['per_page' => 3]);
coupons, metadata = client.Coupon.list(per_page=3)
EntityList<Coupon> coupon = conn.newCoupon().listAll();
var coupons = invoiced.NewCoupon().ListAll();
coupons, err := client.Coupon.ListAll(nil, nil)

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

     "created_at": 1477415090,
     "currency": null,
     "exclusive": false,
     "expiration_date": null,
     "id": "S8L47J",
     "is_percent": true,
     "max_redemptions": 0,
     "metadata": [],
     "name": "Non-profit Discount",
     "object": "coupon",
     "updated_at": 1477415090,
     "value": 20

This endpoint retrieves all coupons.

HTTP Request

GET /coupons

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
sort string Column to sort by, i.e. name asc
filter object Filter object
updated_after timestamp Only gets records updated after the given timestamp