Represents an internal note related to a customer or invoice. These notes appear in the Invoiced dashboard only and are distinct from the customer-facing notes
field on the invoice object.
Note Object
"created_at": 1571338027,
"customer": 15444,
"id": 501,
"invoice": null,
"notes": "Customer called 10/1, clarified account terms.",
"object": "note",
"updated_at": 1571338027,
"user": {
"created_at": 1563810757,
"email": "[email protected]",
"first_name": "John",
"id": 1946,
"last_name": "Smith",
"registered": true,
"two_factor_enabled": true,
"updated_at": 1563810757
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | integer | The note's unique ID |
object | string | Object type, note |
notes | string | Contents of note |
customer | integer | Customer associated with note |
invoice | integer | Invoice associated with note |
created_at | timestamp | Timestamp when created |
updated_at | timestamp | Timestamp when updated |
user | object | Object describing user who created note |
Create a note
curl "" \
-u {API_KEY}: \
-d invoice_id=46225 \
-d notes="Customer called 10/1, clarified account terms."
:invoice_id => 46225,
:notes => "Customer called 10/1, clarified account terms."
$note = $invoiced->Note->create([
'invoice_id' => 46225,
'notes' => "Customer called 10/1, clarified account terms."
notes="Customer called 10/1, clarified account terms."
Invoice invoice = invoiced.newInvoice().retrieve(46225);
Note note = invoice.newNote();
note.notes = "Customer called 10/1, clarified account terms.";
var invoice = invoiced.NewInvoice().Retrieve(46225);
var note = invoice.NewNote();
note.Notes = "Customer called 10/1, clarified account terms.";
note, err := client.Note.Create(&invoiced.NoteRequest{
Invoice: invoiced.Int64(46225),
Notes: invoiced.String("Customer called 10/1, clarified account terms."),
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"created_at": 1571338027,
"customer": 15444,
"id": 501,
"invoice": null,
"notes": "Customer called 10/1, clarified account terms.",
"object": "note",
"updated_at": 1571338027,
"user": {
"created_at": 1563810757,
"email": "[email protected]",
"first_name": "John",
"id": 1946,
"last_name": "Smith",
"registered": true,
"two_factor_enabled": true,
"updated_at": 1563810757
Use this endpoint to create a note related to a customer or invoice.
Either customer_id
or invoice_id
is required, but not both.
HTTP Request
POST /notes
Parameter | Type | Description |
customer_id | integer | Associated customer's unique ID |
invoice_id | integer | Associated invoice's unique ID |
notes | string | Contents of note |
Retrieve notes
curl "" \
-u {API_KEY}: \
invoice = invoiced.Invoice.retrieve("{INVOICE_ID}")
notes, metadata = invoice.notes.list(:per_page => 3)
$invoice = $invoiced->Invoice->retrieve("{INVOICE_ID}");
list($notes, $metadata) = $invoice->notes()->all(['per_page' => 3]);
invoice = client.Invoice.retrieve("{INVOICE_ID}")
notes, metadata = invoice.list_notes().list(per_page=3)
Invoice invoice = invoiced.newInvoice().retrieve({INVOICE_ID});
EntityList<Note> notes = invoice.newNote().listAll();
var invoice = invoiced.NewInvoice().Retrieve({INVOICE_ID});
var notes = invoice.NewNote().ListAll();
notes, err := client.Invoice.RetrieveNotes({INVOICE_ID})
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"created_at": 1571338027,
"customer": 15444,
"id": 501,
"invoice": null,
"notes": "Customer called 10/1, clarified account terms.",
"object": "note",
"updated_at": 1571338027,
"user": {
"created_at": 1563810757,
"email": "[email protected]",
"first_name": "John",
"id": 1946,
"last_name": "Smith",
"registered": true,
"two_factor_enabled": true,
"updated_at": 1563810757
Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of notes associated with a certain customer or invoice.
HTTP Request
GET /customer/:id/notes
or GET /invoice/:id/notes
Update a note
curl "" \
-u {API_KEY}: \
-d notes="Customer called 10/2, sent check arriving Thu."
note.notes = "Customer called 10/2, sent check arriving Thu."
$note->notes = "Customer called 10/2, sent check arriving Thu.";
note.notes = "Customer called 10/2, sent check arriving Thu."
note.notes = "Customer called 10/2, sent check arriving Thu.";;
note.Notes = "Customer called 10/2, sent check arriving Thu.";
note, err := client.Note.Update({NOTE_ID}, &invoiced.NoteRequest{
Notes: invoiced.String("Customer called 10/2, sent check arriving Thu."),
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"created_at": 1571338027,
"customer": 15444,
"id": 501,
"invoice": null,
"notes": "Customer called 10/2, sent check arriving Thu.",
"object": "note",
"updated_at": 1571338027,
"user": {
"created_at": 1563810757,
"email": "[email protected]",
"first_name": "John",
"id": 1946,
"last_name": "Smith",
"registered": true,
"two_factor_enabled": true,
"updated_at": 1563810757
Use this endpoint to update a note.
HTTP Request
PATCH /notes/:id
Parameter | Type | Description |
notes | string | Contents of note |
Delete a note
curl "" \
-u {API_KEY}: \
err := client.Note.Delete({NOTE_ID})
The above command returns
204 No Content
Use this endpoint to delete a note.
HTTP Request
DELETE /notes/:id
List all notes
curl "" \
-u {API_KEY}:
notes, metadata = invoiced.Note.list(:per_page => 3)
list($notes, $metadata) = $invoiced->Note->all(['per_page' => 3]);
notes, metadata = invoiced.Note.list(per_page=3)
EntityList<Note> notes = conn.newNote().listAll();
var notes = invoiced.NewNote().ListAll();
notes, err := client.Note.ListAll(nil, nil)
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"created_at": 1571338027,
"customer": 15444,
"id": 501,
"invoice": null,
"notes": "Customer called 10/1, clarified account terms.",
"object": "note",
"updated_at": 1571338027,
"user": {
"created_at": 1563810757,
"email": "[email protected]",
"first_name": "John",
"id": 1946,
"last_name": "Smith",
"registered": true,
"two_factor_enabled": true,
"updated_at": 1563810757
This endpoint retrieves all notes.
HTTP Request
GET /notes
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
sort string | Column to sort by, i.e. name asc |
filter object | Filter object |