NAV Navbar
cURL .NET Java Go PHP Python Ruby


Represents an internal note related to a customer or invoice. These notes appear in the Invoiced dashboard only and are distinct from the customer-facing notes field on the invoice object.

Note Object


    "created_at": 1571338027,
    "customer": 15444,
    "id": 501,
    "invoice": null,
    "notes": "Customer called 10/1, clarified account terms.",
    "object": "note",
    "updated_at": 1571338027,
    "user": {
        "created_at": 1563810757,
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "first_name": "John",
        "id": 1946,
        "last_name": "Smith",
        "registered": true,
        "two_factor_enabled": true,
        "updated_at": 1563810757
Parameter Type Description
id integer The note's unique ID
object string Object type, note
notes string Contents of note
customer integer Customer associated with note
invoice integer Invoice associated with note
created_at timestamp Timestamp when created
updated_at timestamp Timestamp when updated
user object Object describing user who created note

Create a note

curl "" \
  -u {API_KEY}: \
  -d invoice_id=46225 \
  -d notes="Customer called 10/1, clarified account terms."
  :invoice_id => 46225,
  :notes => "Customer called 10/1, clarified account terms."

$note = $invoiced->Note->create([
  'invoice_id' => 46225,
  'notes' => "Customer called 10/1, clarified account terms."
  notes="Customer called 10/1, clarified account terms."
Invoice invoice = invoiced.newInvoice().retrieve(46225);
Note note = invoice.newNote();
note.notes = "Customer called 10/1, clarified account terms.";
var invoice = invoiced.NewInvoice().Retrieve(46225);
var note = invoice.NewNote();
note.Notes = "Customer called 10/1, clarified account terms.";
note, err := client.Note.Create(&invoiced.NoteRequest{
  Invoice: invoiced.Int64(46225),
  Notes: invoiced.String("Customer called 10/1, clarified account terms."),

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "created_at": 1571338027,
    "customer": 15444,
    "id": 501,
    "invoice": null,
    "notes": "Customer called 10/1, clarified account terms.",
    "object": "note",
    "updated_at": 1571338027,
    "user": {
        "created_at": 1563810757,
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "first_name": "John",
        "id": 1946,
        "last_name": "Smith",
        "registered": true,
        "two_factor_enabled": true,
        "updated_at": 1563810757

Use this endpoint to create a note related to a customer or invoice.

Either customer_id or invoice_id is required, but not both.

HTTP Request

POST /notes


Parameter Type Description
customer_id integer Associated customer's unique ID
invoice_id integer Associated invoice's unique ID
notes string Contents of note

Retrieve notes

curl "" \
  -u {API_KEY}: \
invoice = invoiced.Invoice.retrieve("{INVOICE_ID}")
notes, metadata = invoice.notes.list(:per_page => 3)

$invoice = $invoiced->Invoice->retrieve("{INVOICE_ID}");
list($notes, $metadata) = $invoice->notes()->all(['per_page' => 3]);
invoice = client.Invoice.retrieve("{INVOICE_ID}")
notes, metadata = invoice.list_notes().list(per_page=3)
Invoice invoice = invoiced.newInvoice().retrieve({INVOICE_ID});
EntityList<Note> notes = invoice.newNote().listAll();
var invoice = invoiced.NewInvoice().Retrieve({INVOICE_ID});
var notes = invoice.NewNote().ListAll();
notes, err := client.Invoice.RetrieveNotes({INVOICE_ID})

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

     "created_at": 1571338027,
     "customer": 15444,
     "id": 501,
     "invoice": null,
     "notes": "Customer called 10/1, clarified account terms.",
     "object": "note",
     "updated_at": 1571338027,
     "user": {
         "created_at": 1563810757,
         "email": "[email protected]",
         "first_name": "John",
         "id": 1946,
         "last_name": "Smith",
         "registered": true,
         "two_factor_enabled": true,
         "updated_at": 1563810757

Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of notes associated with a certain customer or invoice.

HTTP Request

GET /customer/:id/notes or GET /invoice/:id/notes

Update a note

curl "" \
  -u {API_KEY}: \
  -X PATCH \
  -d notes="Customer called 10/2, sent check arriving Thu."
note.notes = "Customer called 10/2, sent check arriving Thu."

$note->notes = "Customer called 10/2, sent check arriving Thu.";
note.notes = "Customer called 10/2, sent check arriving Thu."
note.notes = "Customer called 10/2, sent check arriving Thu.";;
note.Notes = "Customer called 10/2, sent check arriving Thu.";
note, err := client.Note.Update({NOTE_ID}, &invoiced.NoteRequest{
  Notes: invoiced.String("Customer called 10/2, sent check arriving Thu."),

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "created_at": 1571338027,
    "customer": 15444,
    "id": 501,
    "invoice": null,
    "notes": "Customer called 10/2, sent check arriving Thu.",
    "object": "note",
    "updated_at": 1571338027,
    "user": {
        "created_at": 1563810757,
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "first_name": "John",
        "id": 1946,
        "last_name": "Smith",
        "registered": true,
        "two_factor_enabled": true,
        "updated_at": 1563810757

Use this endpoint to update a note.

HTTP Request

PATCH /notes/:id


Parameter Type Description
notes string Contents of note

Delete a note

curl "" \
  -u {API_KEY}: \

err := client.Note.Delete({NOTE_ID})

The above command returns 204 No Content

Use this endpoint to delete a note.

HTTP Request

DELETE /notes/:id

List all notes

curl "" \
  -u {API_KEY}:
notes, metadata = invoiced.Note.list(:per_page => 3)

list($notes, $metadata) = $invoiced->Note->all(['per_page' => 3]);
notes, metadata = invoiced.Note.list(per_page=3)
EntityList<Note> notes = conn.newNote().listAll();
var notes = invoiced.NewNote().ListAll();
notes, err := client.Note.ListAll(nil, nil)

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

     "created_at": 1571338027,
     "customer": 15444,
     "id": 501,
     "invoice": null,
     "notes": "Customer called 10/1, clarified account terms.",
     "object": "note",
     "updated_at": 1571338027,
     "user": {
         "created_at": 1563810757,
         "email": "[email protected]",
         "first_name": "John",
         "id": 1946,
         "last_name": "Smith",
         "registered": true,
         "two_factor_enabled": true,
         "updated_at": 1563810757

This endpoint retrieves all notes.

HTTP Request

GET /notes

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
sort string Column to sort by, i.e. name asc
filter object Filter object